Zakenvluchten op maat

Advies bureau / Broker


We can create or translate manuals for you. Creating a manual is sometimes a lengthy process and depends on your wishes. You can make a user manual, an installation manual or an instruction manual or a combination of those. All of this can be tailored to your wishes. Usually, this can be made depending on the documents you provide, but sometimes this is not possible because the product has to be disassembled step by step. In that case, we come to your location to finish this process or you deliver the product to us, and we take pictures of the disassembly and assembly step by step and support this process with text in a document

A picture often says more than a thousand words and applies to every language. This is therefore already a considerable gain and prevents unnecessary questions about your product afterwards. An example of an instruction manual of an industrial pump made by us can be found in this link. Here, this pump had to be disassembled and photographed step by step, assembled in reverse. Smaller projects are of course also possible. Please contact us directly by calling +31(0)6 22226472 or use the contact form in the menu of this website.

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